From Opioid Treatment Centers to Pain Management Doctors there are many patients asking questions about Low THC oil and CBD oil. The first question is: What’s the difference between CBD oil and Low THC oil? CBD and THC are both Cannabinoids. THC is the more psychoactive (high producing) compound. There are many Cannabinoids each having different attributes.
Here is a short list summarized from a list available on www.georgiacannabis.org :
THC- Psychoactive and pain relieving effects CBD- Has many medical benefits attributed to it and nonpyschoactive CBN-Non psychoactive with a sedative effect THCA– Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects THCV– Believed to be an appetite suppressant helpful with metabolic disorders including diabetes. CBG-Shows promise in treating glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease and MRSA infections There are a large number of Cannaboids each having different properties. There are a number of people who have had benefits of using Low THC oil. The state of Georgia has recognized this and allows for patients with certain conditions to be certified by a registered physician and be issued a “Low THC oil card”. This card allows people to possess Low THC oil for certain medical conditions without fear of criminal prosecution or what I call a “don’t go to jail card”. It should be emphasized that this card is only valid for Low THC Oil and NOT marijuana in a leaf form obtained illegally or from other states.
Conditions that patients may be registered for include:
-Cancer -ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) -Seizure Disorder -Crohn’s disease -Mitochondrial disease -Parkinson’s disease -Sickle Cell Disease -Tourette’s Syndrome -Autism -EpidermolysisBullosa -Alzheimer’s -AIDS -Peripheral Neuropathy -Patients in hospice care -Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) -Intractable Pain In a recent Special NEWSWEEK Edition title: The Ultimate CBD Handbook. There were a number of quotes from people who have used CBD oil to treat a number of conditions. “Some people report results at 5mg and others need more like 250-1000mg. There are studies where the dosage was in the 6,000mg range with no ill effects, so we still have much to learn about how much is necessary to use. It has a long half-life, so repeated daily dosing will have a cumulative benefit.” – Katie Stearn “It was incredibly effective at dealing with everything I previously used Ibuprofen, coffee,Adderall or alcohol to deal with..” – Brad Bogus “ After about a month of ingesting a 10 mg dose of CBD tincture under my tongue twice a day, I gradually felt a sense of calm and relaxation. From there, I slowly weaned down off of my anxiety prescriptions.” – Randi Sether Laws are changing and vary from state to state. In Georgia, there are state residency requirements and stipulations about the relationship between the physicians and patient after a card is issued. For more information visit: http://www.dph.georgia.gov. CBD oil registration is just another addition to our modalities to get you” pain free without pills” Please feel free to call our office at 678-247-2115 for more information. Don’t forget our first acupuncture and injury visit is FREE and we provide addiction treatment and recovery services in addition to treating pain and injuries.